četrtek, 23. februar 200622:00 - KoncertFABleALBUM
5 MINUS feat. Carbon copies
6 T-LIQUID feat. Linda OWUSU
[b]FABle[eb] gathered many influences into a rich and detailed electronic music.
A wide sound spectrum made up of heaps of rhythms, twisted tones, ambient breaks and a hybrid mix of melodies. The dark and powerful atmosphere is intensified by Linda OWUSU and Carbon Copies who bring in their languishing and tenebrous Hip Hop flavour. A collection of experiments assembled into a truly indefinable sound experience.
[b]FAB.io[eb] [ Machines ], [b]Estelle AMSELLEM[eb] [ Double bass ] & [b]Alexis B[eb] [ Video ].
[b]FABle was born in winter 2003 as FAB.io's solo project. He meets VJ Alexis B. & jazz double bass player Estelle AMSELLEM one year after during his first venue in LYON [Fr]. Since that proper moment, they all have the same obsession: To gather all of their different music influences into an unique style.
2003: Start
TRADMARK: To pick and choose from a broad range of music styles, not to stick to any
electronic genre in particular.
INFLUENCES: Explores the overlapping of different origins through atmospheric, mental,
experimental and fluid tunes.
MANUFACTURING: Entirely produced via laptop, guitars, keyboards and vocal moods.
UNIVERSE: Heterogeneous, rich, detailed, powerfull with plenty of contrasts...sometimes
accessible. OBSERVATIONS: It can be quite dark down there. [ SCENARIO ] Expressive & intense, FABle's music calls up a movie that has yet to be shot. [ INFO ] Lively stage production according to the event specifity can provide: FAB.io playing solo, FAB.io & VJ Alexis B., FAB.io & double bass player Estelle AMSELLEM or the full band live. It can also include MC appearances. First Album "fable" released on SILLONS rec.(2005)
booking@musicafable.com, www.musicafable.com, www.sillons.org
[ Laptop, synth & vocals ] BIOGRAPHY
FAB.io moved to Luxembourg when hitting puberty and thrived in a cosmopolitan environment discovering the not-so-united likes of noisy pop and new wave that blossomed in the U.K. Years fly by while he plays with various local bands for which he will be writing tracks...Time passes by.
Naples 1996; this is where FAB.io develops his song writing talent. Secluded for a whole year, he will be writing bass and keyboard lines, sax themes and lyrics to come up with 20 tracks ready to be performed. Back to France, some of those tracks will come to life through LOGAN [ mini LP â€oChildishâ€? released in 1998 ], often compared with bands including MASSIVE ATTACK or LAMB.
2000 AC: FAB.io legs it back to south Italy to play the percussions on traditional Irish music in Sicilian venues. Losing the plot, he heads up North to Brussels to get up to date with the electronic scene in order to compensate the overload of acoustic tunes stuck for too long.
2002: this multi-instrumentalist decides to move to Lyon and starts working on a new album; this was released on SillonS rec. (distrib. Neophoniques) in 2005. This experience enabled him to play with other artists including Carbon copies from PICORE, double bass jazz player Estelle AMSELLEM and VJ Alexis B.
Note: Piano & clarinet formation at the National conservatory of Luxemburg [ 1989/91 ] and saxophone Diploma at the Musical & Choral Sociaty of Lorraine’s Federation [ 1989, 90 & 91 ].
Contacts : fable@musicafable.com
[b]Estelle AMSELLEM[eb]
[ Double bass ] BIOGRAPHY
MUSICAL STUDIES : Classical Double bass medal at Lyon’s conservatory and a Jazz harmony diploma at the ENM of Villeurbanne.
Improving with differents human and musical meetings; the band TONYARA [ Celtik folk rock ], from 1991 until the year 2000; the shows â€oLe Bonheur des Pierresâ€? and â€oFleur de Terreâ€? with Jean Blanchard. She then composed and interpreted the movies sountracks â€o Traces de Femmesâ€? by Jean-pierre Dupuis and â€o Sujet sensibleâ€? by Yann Toussaint, collaborated in the show â€oButoâ€? by BiA©trix Schenk and played with MONTANARO, ANDY EMLER, DAVID HERZAFT, BARKING DOGS, OLD BLIND DOGS, THE CHIEFTAINS, GABRIEL YACOUB, ROBERT AMYOT, JOE STALINE, ORCHESTRE de POCHE, BGB and The MANOUCHKA TRIO [ Tour in Morocco and Colombia, March & April 05’].
DISCOGRAPHY: More than 20 albums released, a few last ones of which: « La Bergčre » (composeur & interpret), NARCISSE ( Elixir company Production) and THE TEMPETE (Footsbarn & Ewan Shiels Production).
2000: she plays in LA QUADRETTE with Jean Blanchard, joins the ELIXIR COMPANY in the year 2002 . Since 2003, she plays in the PHILARMONIC FESTIVAL by Daniel Kawka and €oLe BActon Rougeâ€?. In 2004, she plays in The SONS OF THE DESERT and creates MELOA‹ with the flautist GOMOY.
2005, first astonisching electronic experience and concerts with FABle.
CONTACTS : estelle.amsellem@free.fr
[b]Alexis B.[eb]
[ Video live act & lights ] BIOGRAPHY
Born in Montreal, he enters drama school in 1997 to begin his studies; drama, set design, lights design and technical management. First glance at the use of video display on theater stage at Les deux mondes theater company where he will work in 1998-1999. Co-founder in year 2000 of the theatrical group Comme larrons en foire, he his the director of the company’s only showed work â€oLa rA©volution par le bruit – a broadcasted theatrical essayâ€?.
Fall 2001, starts at the Society for Arts and Technologies (SAT) in Montreal as technical
director. At this time, as the only new medias arts center, the SAT will present over 150 events between 2001 and 2003 : new medias / numeric arts exhibitions, electronic music concerts, audiovisual performances and festivals starring local and international artists.
Leaves Canada in 2004 for France. First collaboration in Lyon with the members of Seltsam association. The group will present his first live audiovisual piece; â€o(D) Constructionâ€? with Lyon D.J. Linda Shaker, at Les Nuits Sonores festival. Will follow two new pieces with Seltsam co-founder and musician ANOTRET. ; â€oUntitled #1â€? and â€oLight
Twisted Sambaâ€?. Both will be presented at the Swap Gallery where the group held their â€oIntermediatic nightsâ€? once every two weeks. â€oUntitled #1â€? will also be presented during the 2005 edition of Les Nuits Sonores festival at the Museum of contemporary arts in Lyon.
Back to Canada in december he creates visual display for the Pawa Up First album release concert.
Back in Lyon he meets with FAB.io and starts his work for the audiovisual project FABle.
[L]www.musicafable.com[EL] « nazaj
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