petek, 29. september 2006

23:00 - Terminal 00
DJ LAYLLA DANE bolgarija

Marta daneva a.k.a. Laylla Dane, first tantalized her tastebuds in electronic music at the tender age of 14. Overwhelmed by the power of this particular brand of music, Laylla Dane was not content to just be a regular visitor to a throbbing party and was very receptive to the introduction to the other side of the electronic world by ataneus & chester in 2002. A year later, Laylla Dane united with two others in the name of intelligente, whose main purpose was to tinge techno music with more ripened sounds. Her first attraction to italian techno blossomed into electro sounds and eventually established her contemporary taste which is a cocktail of various house sounds: from leisure to electro to more uplifting and progressive vibes.

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 Odprto kliče, odpiramo Gromko! Odprto, koronsko dete, se iz poletja premika v jesen. Prej koncerti na dvorišču, a zdaj zaradi mnogoterih dejavnikov ponovno v dvorani. In ker smo letos k...
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