sobota, 30. oktober 200422:00 - DefonijaTRIAGE (Chicago, ZDA)[b]Dave Rempis[eb] - altovski in tenorski saksofon
[b]Jason Ajemian[eb] - kontrabas
[b]Tim Daisy[eb] - bobni, tolkala
Zasedba Vandermark 5 je pri nas dobro poznana. Precej ljudi je bilo na njihovih nastopih in po poslušanju posnetkov prijetno presenečenih spričo "vodilne" vloge, ki jo v kvintetu igra sicer uradno "drugi" pihalec [b]Dave Rempis[eb]. Kdor je seznanjen s posebnostmi v načinu dela Kena Vandermarka, tega pa to ne more niti malo začuditi, saj je Vandermarkova deviza maksimalna neposredna demokracija in zavračanje egoizmov: Prav Vandermark 5 so udaren "skladateljski" bend, v katerem "ustanovitelj" godbene naloge prepušča drugim, predvsem sijajnemu vodji skupine [b]Triage[eb]. Rempis je prav zahvaljujoč Vandermarku danes katapultiran v prvo ligo čikaškega jazza, pri čemer je s seboj popeljal celo vrsto mladih talentov, med katerimi sta tudi tokratna gromka gosta, kontrabasist [b]Jason Ajemian[eb] in [b]Tim Daisy[eb], bobnar hrvaškega rodu in novi član Vandermark 5. Po petih letih dela in treh objavljenih albumih so Triage danes v podobnem rangu najaktivnejših in najbolj cenjenih mladih muzičistov kakor naši septembrski gostje Sticks & Stones. Primerjava bo več ko dobrodošla in zanimiva. Tudi Triage so si z rednimi špili v klubih Velvet Lounge, 3030, Hothouse, Nervous Centre, Hungry Brain in Empty Bottle zagotovili stalno občinstvo in odkrite kritiške simpatije. ?eprav gre za improvizacijski trio, imajo njegove godbene reči čvrsto kompozicijsko strukturo, so precej [i]groovy[ei] in se lahko - kar je v današnjih [i]free[ei] zasedbah precejšnja redkost - pohvalijo z izbornim občutkom, kako graditi atmosfero.
"... an exceptional 50-minute session."
"Triage is quite adept at using space within their music. Generous pauses, Ajemian’s bowing, and Rempis’ patient saxophone work adds up to a thoroughly coherent statement."
"... one of the most promising artists on Chicago's improvised music scene."
[i]--Chicago Tribune[ei]
"Triage ... has become one of the city’s dependable and flexible free-jazz units."
[i]--Chicago Reader[ei]
"This is a sparse and unpretentious recording from some of Chicago’s top young musicians."
[i]--Jazz Institute of Chicago[ei]
Triage is one of the most active young bands on the improvised music scene in Chicago today. Initially conceived by Dave Rempis, Triage has worked regularly for the last five years performing throughout Chicago at venues such as the Empty Bottle, the Velvet Lounge, 3030, the Hothouse, the Nervous Centre, and the Hungry Brain, honing their approach to a music that is currently undergoing a great renaissance. They've also completed two lengthy US Tours in the past two years, receiving widespread critical acclaim.
As a trio, these three combine to create wide-ranging forms of musical expression. Performing original compositions almost exclusively, the band moves through quiet textural pieces, grooving jazz-oriented tunes, and wailing, expressionistic romps with equal ability. Using these compositions as a springboard for their improvisations, they manage to combine the rhythmic sensibilities of the American jazz and free jazz tradition with the more abstract spaces frequently associated with European improvisers. The reconstitution of stylistic elements from these disparate traditions sheds light on both of them in a unique and powerful way.
[b]Triage[eb] (samozaložba, 1999, na prodaj samo na koncertih in na [L]http://www.okkadisk.com[EL])
[b]Premium Plastics[eb] (Solitaire, 2001)
[b]Twenty Minute Cliff[eb] (Okka Disk, 2003)
[b]American Mythology[eb] (Okka Disk, 2004)
pripravil [b]Miha Zadnikar[eb] kontakt: miha.zadnikar@kinoteka.si« nazaj
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