sreda, 7. junij 200622:00 - BAST kolektivAlejandro Jodorowsky: The Holy MountainAlejandro Jodorowsky :
The Holy Mountain
The Holy Mountain is an epic exploration of religious experience and global socio-political trends. A scathing indictment of the abuse of power by both first and third-world nations, while simultaneously a wonderfully clever fantasy that exposes art and religion as hilarious tools of mass-mind-control. It is a truly sweeping masterpiece full of amazing imagery and even more impressive thought. And it also has one of the best endings you are likely to see -ever.
Program večera
22.00 video: Alejandro Jodorowsky : The Holy Mountain 1973
Gal Gjurin - bass
Aldo Ivanči? - mix
Dejan Lapanja - bobni
Andraž Mazi – kitara
iga Rangus – kitara
iga Šercer – tolkala
Irena Tomažin - vokal
Barbato Kanak v povratni zanki!
Kolektiv Bast: www.aksioma.org/bast
Zavod Aksioma: www.aksioma.org
Teater Gromki: http://www.metelkova.org/gromka/
Neven Korda: www.korda-art.si
Zavod Kataman: www.kataman.org
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ODPRTO 2024 Odprto kliče, odpiramo Gromko! Odprto, koronsko dete, se iz poletja premika v jesen. Prej koncerti na dvorišču, a zdaj zaradi mnogoterih dejavnikov ponovno v dvorani. In ker smo letos k... [ preberi več... ]