četrtek, 5. oktober 200622:00 - KoncertUrsprung, cym & bezzoexperimental concert
The auditory processes and disparate structures are, by partly certain,though mostly coincidential encounters, turned into complementing or contradicting compositions. Thus, supplemented by an audience interaction, emerges an in itself not reversable, not repeatable succession of the event.
concert: ursprung, cym & bezzo
presentation of short movies by cym and students from Famul Stuart school of applied arts, Ljubljana « nazaj
ODPRTO 2024 Odprto kliče, odpiramo Gromko! Odprto, koronsko dete, se iz poletja premika v jesen. Prej koncerti na dvorišču, a zdaj zaradi mnogoterih dejavnikov ponovno v dvorani. In ker smo letos k... [ preberi več... ]