Monday, 19. September 2011

16:00 - Projekcija

Neodvisni ljubljanski festival dokumentarnega filma 2011

16_00 >>> 18_00


tomasz wolski_8min_POLAND_2010

At the market-place of a small town on the south of Poland, there are three springs - several meters away from each other. People at each spring behave in a different way, even though the water brought there is the same.

severine beaudot_10min_FRANCE / BULGARIA / TURKEY_2010
Love has no borders.

pedro macedo_54min_PORTUGAL_2010
Nisa, a small town nestled in Portugal’s interior, had a unique expression in Portuguese culture, where traditionally, girls from the age of six, would make embroideries working for years to create a bridal trousseau, which would then be sold on the eve of their wedding. With the money made from the sale, the bride would purchase, through her own means, a house for the newlywed couple. 

maja ziberna&tomaz pavkovic_37min_SLOVENIA_2011
Documentary film which tells the history of Celuloza factory in Slovenian town Krsko.  

18_00 >>> 20_00

jurate samulionyte_25min_LITHUANIA_2010
„Every city has his own Shanghai!“ „Shanghai Banzai“– it‘s an ironic short documentary about an old and poor district nearby Vilnius city centre called Snipiskes, which is also known as Shanghai. Film exposes a paradoxical situation where countryside with its multicultural (Lithuanians, Russians, Polish, Gypsies) community exists in the very centre of Vilnius. Also film tries to find out the origin of district’s nickname Shanghai. Film portraits inhabitants of Vilnius Shanghai, who have their own rules, loves, habits and sins. Most of them live in their Past still remembering their youth. Now modern skyscrapers exchange old wooden houses and nobody knows what is waiting for “characters” of Shanghai.

alberto garcía ortiz&agatha maciaszek_83min_SPAIN_2011
In the densely forested hills above Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in Africa, 57 young Indian immigrants await their fate. They have crossed half the planet to get to Europe and now they can see Gibraltar and the Spanish coast - just 14 kilometers away on the other side of the Strait - but they cannot reach them. They are stuck in the juridical limbo of Ceuta: and after 2 years in the city’s migrant detention centre, and faced with a deportation, they decide to flee one night, and set up shanty camps in the nearby mountains. The film approaches the experience of the group through a very intimate portrait of five main protagonists. Babu, Mili, Rocky, Happy and Guri are very different characters, thrown together by circumstances and bound to each other for survival. 

20_00 >>> 22_00

david munoz_18min_SPAIN_2011
The economy conditions our lives. Scarcity is a restriction imposed by nature itself. It is not a human invention. It is an unresolved dilemma. An endless fight for survival.  

carl valiquet_30min_INDONESIA / CANADA_2011
This short film is a montage of still and moving images that visually depict the laborious  struggle of workers living on different islands of Indonesia. It is the study of a people that grind out a living by dint of heavy lifting. Still images show their features under severe stress and strain. Video images compose the workers movements, some in slow motion, rendering this film a visual ballet.

michail agrafiotis_18min_GREECE_2011
This is the last week for a store which closes down during financial crisis in Greece. This is the portrait of the owner, also a musician, and all big questions for the situation sitting on background.

soner sevgili_53min_TURKEY_2010
This film documents the resurrection and reintroduction of the Laterna, a mechanical barrel piano that was once a common sight in Istanbul.

22_00 >>> 24_00 

zuzanna solakiewicz_12min_POLAND_2010
Remote village, twenty families, a lake, a dirt road, and destroyed buildings of an ex–State Agriculture Company. Specter of a soldier wanders near around. Other ghosts do not hesitate to reveal their presence in the neighborhood as well. The old women tell the stories about them while the youngsters still enjoy calling - up the ghosts. It is as if the senses are more opened in the emptiness of the village.

pawel lozinski_9min_POLAND_2010
A short, metaphoric story, undertaking a problem of memory, identity, searching for traces of the recent past. Here, on thirty hectares in the city centre, the inventory is being made – it is to lead to reconstruction of a lost city. The camera focuses on details, showing fingers touching an obliterated inscription or a laborious process of decoding letters excavated from the ground, because each of them means something.

leslaw dobrucki_15min_POLAND_2010
Our heroine stopped praying long ago. As a thirteen year-old girl she was brought from her native Turkey to Germany to marry one of her cousins. This is how her childhood ended – she became the property of a husband who tortures and degrades her. She finally decides to flee, but must continuously be in hiding. Condemned by both families, she has no chance at a normal life, neither as a wife nor a divorcee. The film is not a typical intervention reportage, but a poetic collage comprising of documentary material, family photographs and children’s drawings. This individual life story reflects the stories of many other girls and women subjected to a patriarchal law still enforced by tacit consent in the multicultural societies of Western Europe.

piotr zlotorowicz_15min_POLAND_2010
Every summer, Marek and Janina work as charcoal burners in the Bieszczady Mountains. Far from civilisation, in the heart of the mountains, they live according to the rhythm set by nature. We accompany the characters from dawn till dusk, observing the slow passage of time. The whole creates a story about people who chose a simple life.

julia poplawska_12min_POLAND_2010
Picture of a quiet, charming and almost idyllic Polish village. The Mozejkos spend time on the porch of their wooden house, slowly conversing on what surrounds them and directly affects their lives – the weather, flowers and vegetables growing in their backyard garden. The view from the porch is their only outlook onto the world – this is where they observe the changing nature or any special events in the neighbourhood. From time to time their calm life, undisturbed by haste or worry, acquires some variety when a car or a singing group of pilgrims pass down the nearby road. This short document is a collection of static and extremely vivid takes expressing the mood of idyll, order and quiet.

mateusz skalski_9min_POLAND_2010
A story of a remote village, almost completely abandoned. All the youth have left, looking for a better life in the city. Only a few village elders have remained, and they spend their days waiting for a mobile cart to come along and sell bread and wares - their only contact with the outside world.

monica lazurean gorgan&andrei gorgan_42min_ROMANIA_2011
"My Vote is an amusing and intriguing documentary about local elections in a Romanian village. The incumbent Mayor announces his umpteenth candidacy and tries to convince the villagers to vote for him. A fascinating insight into a young democracy, in which manipulation and deception are employed."

contact: 3littlewolves@gmail.com
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 Odprto kliče, odpiramo Gromko! Odprto, koronsko dete, se iz poletja premika v jesen. Prej koncerti na dvorišču, a zdaj zaradi mnogoterih dejavnikov ponovno v dvorani. In ker smo letos k...
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