četrtek, 19. junij 2014

20:30 - Koncert

Vabljeni na brutalizacijo ob začetku poletja! Z divjimi odrskimi akrobacijami vas bomo popeljali v svet piva in mirne, tihe glasbe. Seveda je to zgolj neslana šala.

Armaroth is known to the masses as a five-headed acid spitting death metal monstrosity residing underneath Kranj, Slovenia. Formed in 2008, this act has already established itself as one of the most promising bands to come from the region, a claim that they have supported with numerous raging live shows in their home country. After their Burning Execution Demo released in 2010 showed signs of things yet to come, Armaroth released their EP titled False Vision in 2013, which was (and still is) held in very high regard by fans and reviewers alike. The stage, however, is the place where the band really comes alive and fulfills its full potential as a force intoxicating, seducing and ultimately obliterating every last man present. Armed with a war machine of a rhythm section, riffs that take the term "brutal badass death metal" to a new level, guttural vocals and an enormous stage presence, Armaroth are a force to be reckoned with and they are showing no signs of slowing down.

Era of Hate was risen up from the ashes of Atrum Inferum in 2009, a project that spawned great ideas but in the end fell apart in its infancy.
Tomaž and Jure have been the only two consistent members over the years, and while they are the visionaries behind the group's sound, songs, themes and imagery, they were recently joined by three exceptional musicians, Danjel on drums, Vid on bass and Peter on guitar. Together they pursue their vision of music and hope to bring their form of art to as many ears as possible.
The band released their first EP (Echoes of Truth) in 2010, their second EP (Void in What Remains) in 2011 and their most recent 4-song promotional demo in 2012, titled "All Beyond Reach" and are currently recording their debute album and pursuing their endeavour to sign with a supportive music label.

After Mike's first metal band fell apart due to musical differences, he recruited Mark Massakre (who played drums in his previous band) and began looking for a guitar playe. He soon found Kristjan.
At first they wanted to play thrash metal (in tje vein of the German thrashers) but they soon discovered they were not fit for this kind of fast-as-hell music and also that there were many thrash bands in their country at the time. As they were playing cover songs of 1st wave BM luminaries such as Venom, Bathory end Hellhammer, they decided to stick with that kind of style. Soon Kristjan left the band and Ironfist, who is Mark's schoolmate, was brought in. They named themselves Hellsword as a tribute to Hellhammer.
Hellsword's first real concert took place on February 12th 2010 at Orto Bar, with two other bands, where they preformed only covers. Meanwhile they also tried to write their own songs, but most of that early material was thrown away, as the band felt it wasn't good enough. The first real Hellsword songs (the ones that came out on Blasphemy Unchained) were written in Autumn 2010.

Noisy party hardy

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 Odprto kliče, odpiramo Gromko! Odprto, koronsko dete, se iz poletja premika v jesen. Prej koncerti na dvorišču, a zdaj zaradi mnogoterih dejavnikov ponovno v dvorani. In ker smo letos k...
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