Club Gromka is located in the AKC Metelkova town and does not have an official address. You can contact us on the following e-mail address:
Metelkova mesto is located in the centre of Ljubljana, near the main railway station, on the crossroads of the Masarykova and Metelkova Street. If you’re arriving from the motorway ring, leave the motorway on one of the exits to Ljubljana- ‘Center’ and follow the road signs for the railway (or the bus) station. The street in front of the station is called ‘Trg Osvobodilne fronte’. If you follow the street you should reach the Masarykova Street. The third crossorad on the Masarykova Street is the crossroad with the Metelkova Street. The entrance into Metelkova town lies on the right side, almost immediately after this crossroad and the fourth crossroad of the Masarykova Street. The entrance is rather narrow and may be camouflaged by trees, so pay attention!
For those coming by bus: the stop of the no.2 and the no.9 bus is located in front of Metelkova town.
...HOW TO FIND GROMKA.... Gromka Clubison the south sideof Metelkova.ifyou comethrough the main entrancetoMasarykova(see above),crossinner courtyard,until you reacha narrowpassageto thesouthcourtyard.Immediately afteryou pass the pasagelookleft, and here we are.That's it.